Avalanche BOOST Overview

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The Avalanche ecosystem is experiencing a renewed surge of enthusiasm with the launch of the Avalanche Foundation's BOOST campaign. This strategic initiative is designed to revitalize the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, echoing the exuberance of the 2020-21 DeFi boom while laying a solid foundation for sustainable growth and innovation. 

The BOOST campaign targets the core challenges of liquidity provision, aiming to enhance market depth, reduce slippage, and increase price stability across the network. This report will detail the Avalanche BOOST campaign while also discussing the mechanics and efficacy of incentivized liquidity programs in DeFi in general. By offering substantial incentives and fostering community engagement, Avalanche seeks to solidify its position as a leading platform in the DeFi space.

Incentivizing Liquidity

Liquidity is the lifeblood of any successful crypto protocol and is essential for the long-term success of a burgeoning DeFi ecosystem. Protocols with deep liquidity enjoy:

  • Increased market depth and better order execution: Sufficient liquidity ensures that there are enough buy and sell orders in a market to facilitate transactions efficiently. Deep liquidity enables traders to execute large orders without causing significant price changes. This depth of liquidity is essential for maintaining smooth market operations and ensuring that trades can occur at predictable prices.
  • Reducing slippage: Slippage occurs when the execution price of a trade deviates from the expected price due to a lack of liquidity. Insufficient liquidity means fewer orders are available to match incoming trades, leading to price discrepancies. By providing liquidity incentives, markets can attract more liquidity providers, thus reducing slippage and ensuring that trades are executed at prices closer to what traders anticipate.
  • Increased price stability: Liquid markets are inherently more stable, as they are less susceptible to extreme price swings caused by large trades or sudden shifts in market sentiment. This stability is crucial for fostering investor confidence. When investors know they can buy or sell assets without causing drastic price movements, they are more likely to participate in the market.

Therefore, incentivized liquidity initiatives, like Avalanche Boost, are a widely adopted tool used to address liquidity shortages by creating more targeted incentives/rewards for certain projects and pools. Instead of relying solely on the project to generate trading liquidity, this approach initiates an amount and then rewards participants for their contributions to the liquidity pool.

Consider the hypothetical launch of the XYZ token paired with AVAX. The project contributes an initial $250,000 of liquidity. It then dedicates a portion of the total XYZ tokens, for instance, 10% over a four-year staking period, to incentivized liquidity. Users purchase XYZ tokens, combine them with AVAX, add this combination to the liquidity pool, and stake their liquidity position on the platform to earn XYZ tokens as a passive reward. However, as the saying goes, simply “throwing money at a problem” rarely works. The same is also true with liquidity incentive programs. Evaluating these incentives and their efficacy requires a comprehensive understanding of both quantitative metrics and qualitative considerations.

For liquidity providers looking to bootstrap their pools, incentivization offers a straightforward and efficient method to attract initial liquidity. By offering additional rewards beyond the usual trading fees. New pools can quickly gain traction and attract more liquidity providers. This can initiate a virtuous cycle where increasing liquidity leads to higher trading volumes, which in turn generates more rewards, further attracting liquidity providers. This cycle benefits both the protocol and its community by enhancing liquidity and trading activity. To maximize the benefits of incentivized liquidity, protocols can implement several best practices:

  1. Align Incentives with Long-Term Goals: Protocols should design incentives that promote behaviors beneficial for long-term growth and sustainability. This approach ensures that the rewards system contributes to the protocol's overall development rather than just offering short-term gains.
  2. Target High-Demand Liquidity Pairs: Focusing incentives on specific liquidity pairs that are in high demand can significantly increase liquidity and trading activity in those pairs. By strategically directing incentives, protocols can optimize the distribution of liquidity and enhance market efficiency.
  3. Adjust Incentives for Long-Term Effectiveness: Continuously evaluating and adjusting incentives ensures that they remain effective in supporting long-term goals. This involves regularly analyzing the performance of incentive programs and making necessary adjustments to maintain an optimal balance between rewarding liquidity providers and boosting trader confidence.

Most initiatives look to attract liquidity by providing an increased yield for the end user. Yield, in the context of finance/DeFi, represents the percentage return generated from deploying capital into specific strategies. While yield often appears as a simple figure on a screen, its calculation involves numerous variables and encompasses various types of yield generation mechanisms. Understanding these nuances is critical for investors seeking to maximize their returns in the DeFi ecosystem.

An Avalanche DeFi dashboard highlighting the TVL, APY, and “reward (boosted) APY.” Source

DeFi protocols offer multiple avenues for generating yield:

  1. Staking Rewards: Earned by participants who lock up their tokens to secure the network and validate transactions.
  2. Lending Interest: Generated from providing liquidity to lending protocols and receiving interest payments from borrowers.
  3. Trading Fees: Accumulated by liquidity providers on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) who earn a portion of the trading fees.
  4. Incentive Programs: Additional tokens or rewards offered by protocols to incentivize participation and liquidity provision.

Each of these yield sources involves different risk profiles and potential returns, requiring investors to carefully consider their strategies.

Measuring the Effective Liquidity

Quantitative metrics play an obvious role in assessing the effectiveness of liquidity incentives. The total value locked (TVL) in a liquidity pool is a key indicator of its depth. A larger pool generally means lower slippage and better trading conditions, which are attractive features for traders. High trading volumes signal active markets and draw more liquidity providers (LPs), but volume alone is insufficient. It must be balanced with the fees earned to ensure profitability for LPs. 

Qualitative considerations are equally important in understanding liquidity incentives. LPs need to evaluate their risk tolerance. High-volatility tokens may offer higher returns but also increase the risk of impermanent loss. Assessing one's ability to absorb potential losses is crucial. Selecting the right token pairs is another critical factor. LPs should consider factors such as demand, volatility, and the long-term prospects of the tokens involved. 


Finally, understanding how incentives are distributed is crucial for LPs. Some platforms offer additional governance tokens or staking rewards alongside trading fees. These additional incentives can significantly enhance overall returns for LPs. Evaluating the existing LPs in a pool is necessary to avoid overcrowded pools that can dilute returns, as the available rewards are spread across a larger number of participants. 

Drawbacks and Downsides of Liquidity Programs

The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector experienced a significant surge beginning in the second quarter of 2020, often referred to as “DeFi Summer.” During this period, DeFi projects saw unprecedented growth in adoption and usage, largely driven by the novel concept of liquidity mining, also known as yield farming. This approach, wherein protocols essentially "buy" users by offering rewards in the early stages, aims to cultivate a solid user base as the platform matures and incentives decline. However, this strategy can become increasingly costly, particularly when a large portion of tokens is allocated to stakers, leading to substantial financial outflows necessary for maintaining liquidity. The challenge for decentralized applications (dApps) lies in retaining users, who often migrate to new protocols offering higher rewards.

Additionally, large incentives can attract major players, commonly referred to as whales, who may dominate liquidity pools and governance processes. To maintain decentralization, it is crucial to ensure a fair distribution of rewards and encourage broad participation. 

Finally, the intricacies involved in various DeFi incentives and strategies can be overwhelming for newcomers. Simplifying the onboarding process and providing clear, concise guides are essential steps to mitigate this issue. 

Avalanche’s BOOST: A Liquidity Incentive Program

At the heart of BOOST is a liquidity incentive program that specifically targets well-established, key DeFi protocols operating on Avalanche. By offering increased rewards in AVAX tokens, the campaign aims to increase user engagement, deepen liquidity pools, and nurture an industry-leading and dynamic DeFi community. BOOST will span approximately four months across several phases, giving degens and noobies alike the chance to earn significant returns beyond baseline APY.

The stated objectives of the campaign include:

  1. Community Building: The campaign fosters a strong sense of community among Avalanche users. Participation in BOOST initiatives encourages users to invest more deeply in the ecosystem's success, contributing to a more vibrant and active community.
  2. Increased User Engagement: BOOST is designed to attract a higher number of users to the Avalanche network by offering substantial incentives. This increased user engagement is expected to lead to higher transaction volumes and broader adoption of Avalanche-based DeFi protocols.
  3. Educational Opportunities: BOOST offers a chance for users to explore different DeFi strategies and learn about various protocols. This educational aspect can help onboard new users and expand their understanding of the DeFi landscape.
  4. Enhanced Liquidity and Increased TVL: By incentivizing liquidity provision across multiple platforms, BOOST aims to create deeper liquidity pools. This reduces slippage, thereby improving the trading experience and making the network more attractive to traders.

Avalanche TVL in AVAX terms is up ~50% YTD and steadily increased since the introduction of BOOST in July. Source

Participants in the BOOST campaign can engage in several ways. Users may provide liquidity in designated pools, trade on platforms offering fee discounts, partake in governance activities, and explore various yield-generating strategies. To fully capitalize on the opportunities presented by BOOST, participants should stay informed about new pools or strategies introduced during the campaign. Following the social media accounts of key players can provide timely updates.

Key Players and Their Initiatives


Aave, arguably the biggest, most well-known DeFi protocol participating in the Avalanche Boost program, is targeting increased rewards for specific assets, incentivizing both supply and borrowing activities to bolster user engagement and ecosystem growth. Initially, the program will reward the supply of $BTC.b, $USDC, $USDT, and $sAVAX, along with the borrowing of $AVAX. This targeted allocation strategy is designed to maximize user participation, increase deposits, and stimulate borrowing demand. Incentivizing specific assets within the Avalanche ecosystem also supports advanced strategies such as looping sAVAX. This technique involves repeated lending and borrowing of the same asset, which can amplify returns (and risk). 

The initial phase of the liquidity mining program will run for two weeks with a budget of 12,600 wrapped AVAX (wAVAX). This allocation reflects a calculated effort to jumpstart the program, providing sufficient incentives to attract substantial user participation and liquidity. However, the program’s reward structure will undergo adjustments every two weeks. This dynamic approach ensures that the incentives align with evolving market conditions and strategic objectives. By regularly calibrating the rewards, Aave aims to maintain high levels of user activity and engagement, fostering a robust and active DeFi community.

Trader Joe

As the largest DEX on Avalanche, Trader Joe is a pivotal player in the BOOST campaign. The platform distributes AVAX incentives across 13 liquidity pools, reviews markets, and adjusts rewards biweekly. This is to have the flexibility to respond to market dynamics and maintain optimal incentives throughout the campaign.

The launch of the BOOST incentives program marks a significant milestone for DeFi on the Avalanche network. This initiative aims to enhance liquidity and provide real-time rewards for participants, thereby strengthening the overall ecosystem. Rewards are exclusively distributed in AVAX and accrue in real-time, and users can claim them at their convenience. Additionally, all rewards will be distributed through Trader Joe’s new Concentrated Incentives feature. To maximize rewards, participants must keep their liquidity within the designated 'reward range' for each pool. This ensures that rewards are earned efficiently and can be claimed as they are accrued.

Steps to Participate

  1. Navigate to the Pool Page on the Avalanche platform.
  2. Select the 'Has Rewards' filter to identify eligible pools.
  3. Choose your preferred pools and deploy your liquidity within the specified range.
  4. Claim your $AVAX tokens as you earn them.


GMX is a decentralized, permissionless exchange that facilitates spot and perpetual swap trading directly from users' crypto wallets on Avalanche (and Arbitrum). Launched in September 2021, GMX initially targeted the market for crypto-based perpetual futures contracts, enabling trading of these contracts on various cryptocurrencies rather than the assets themselves. Operating as a non-custodial exchange, GMX eliminates the need for an order book and instead utilizes multi-asset pools and liquidity providers for user interactions.

The GMX Summer Boost began on July 3 and is offering liquidity incentives for both its existing dual-asset pools and newly launched single-asset GM pools on Avalanche as part of the GMX Summer Boost campaign. Eligible pools include AVAX, BTC, ETH, XRP, DOGE, SOL, and LTC, with incentives enhancing the native rewards based on pool fees. The newly launched single-asset pools for BTC, ETH, and AVAX are designed to bootstrap healthy markets quickly and will also receive liquidity incentives. Users can also benefit from up to 75% off trading fees and enhanced rewards on key pools such as AVAX/USD, BTC/USD, ETH/USD, DOGE/USD, XRP/USD, SOL/USD, and LTC/USD. The rebates will be distributed in gmAVAX+ tokens at the end of each weekly campaign epoch, providing traders with additional motivation to participate actively.

Incentives are allocated weekly, starting each Wednesday at 00:00 UTC, and are based on a time-weighted average of users’ GM balances. Rewards are airdropped directly to users' wallets after each epoch, with a minimum threshold of 0.1 AVAX required to qualify. While the APY and other information provided are estimates, the actual rewards are calculated at the end of each epoch. 

BENQI, Dexalot, and Others

BENQI is contributing to the BOOST campaign by offering extra rewards in prominent cryptocurrencies like AVAX, BTC, USDC, and USDT. Users can utilize these enhanced strategies across the Avalanche ecosystem, potentially accumulating rewards from multiple protocols.

For more adventurous DeFi users, Delta Prime offers a multi-step strategy involving depositing, borrowing, swapping, and forming a single-sided liquidity pool with ggAVAX tokens. Although potentially lucrative, this strategy necessitates a deeper understanding of DeFi mechanics.

Yield Yak features BOOSTed strategies with compelling yields, such as 8% for BTC.b, 29% for USDT, 15% for USDC, and 4% for AVAX. These attractive yields are designed to draw liquidity and highlight the potential of yield farming on Avalanche.

Pharaoh's BOOST initiative targets both liquidity providers and voters in their governance system. Liquidity providers can earn sAVAX and ggAVAX rewards, with 75% of all BOOSTed incentives allocated to liquidity providers across the protocol. Voters who lock PHAR to convert into vePHAR can earn a share of vote incentives and fees, promoting active participation in the protocol's governance.

Weekly trading volumes are mostly up for the DEXes participating in Avax BOOST. Source


The Avalanche Foundation's BOOST campaign marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the DeFi sector within the Avalanche ecosystem. The participation of key players like Trader Joe, GMX, and BENQI underscores the campaign's potential to drive substantial growth and innovation while putting Avalanche DeFi on par with other industry leaders like Ethereum and Solana. While challenges such as user retention and fair reward distribution remain, the BOOST campaign's comprehensive approach to liquidity provision and user engagement sets a promising precedent for the future of DeFi on Avalanche. As the campaign progresses, its impact on the ecosystem will serve as a critical case study for the effectiveness of liquidity incentive programs in decentralized finance.

Disclaimer: This report was commissioned by Ava Labs. This research report is exactly that — a research report. It is not intended to serve as financial advice, nor should you blindly assume that any of the information is accurate without confirming through your own research. Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and other digital assets are incredibly risky and nothing in this report should be considered an endorsement to buy or sell any asset. Never invest more than you are willing to lose and understand the risk that you are taking. Do your own research. All information in this report is for educational purposes only and should not be the basis for any investment decisions that you make.


The Avalanche ecosystem is experiencing a renewed surge of enthusiasm with the launch of the Avalanche Foundation's BOOST campaign. This strategic initiative is designed to revitalize the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, echoing the exuberance of the 2020-21 DeFi boom while laying a solid foundation for sustainable growth and innovation. 

The BOOST campaign targets the core challenges of liquidity provision, aiming to enhance market depth, reduce slippage, and increase price stability across the network. This report will detail the Avalanche BOOST campaign while also discussing the mechanics and efficacy of incentivized liquidity programs in DeFi in general. By offering substantial incentives and fostering community engagement, Avalanche seeks to solidify its position as a leading platform in the DeFi space.

Incentivizing Liquidity

Liquidity is the lifeblood of any successful crypto protocol and is essential for the long-term success of a burgeoning DeFi ecosystem. Protocols with deep liquidity enjoy:

  • Increased market depth and better order execution: Sufficient liquidity ensures that there are enough buy and sell orders in a market to facilitate transactions efficiently. Deep liquidity enables traders to execute large orders without causing significant price changes. This depth of liquidity is essential for maintaining smooth market operations and ensuring that trades can occur at predictable prices.
  • Reducing slippage: Slippage occurs when the execution price of a trade deviates from the expected price due to a lack of liquidity. Insufficient liquidity means fewer orders are available to match incoming trades, leading to price discrepancies. By providing liquidity incentives, markets can attract more liquidity providers, thus reducing slippage and ensuring that trades are executed at prices closer to what traders anticipate.
  • Increased price stability: Liquid markets are inherently more stable, as they are less susceptible to extreme price swings caused by large trades or sudden shifts in market sentiment. This stability is crucial for fostering investor confidence. When investors know they can buy or sell assets without causing drastic price movements, they are more likely to participate in the market.

Therefore, incentivized liquidity initiatives, like Avalanche Boost, are a widely adopted tool used to address liquidity shortages by creating more targeted incentives/rewards for certain projects and pools. Instead of relying solely on the project to generate trading liquidity, this approach initiates an amount and then rewards participants for their contributions to the liquidity pool.

Consider the hypothetical launch of the XYZ token paired with AVAX. The project contributes an initial $250,000 of liquidity. It then dedicates a portion of the total XYZ tokens, for instance, 10% over a four-year staking period, to incentivized liquidity. Users purchase XYZ tokens, combine them with AVAX, add this combination to the liquidity pool, and stake their liquidity position on the platform to earn XYZ tokens as a passive reward. However, as the saying goes, simply “throwing money at a problem” rarely works. The same is also true with liquidity incentive programs. Evaluating these incentives and their efficacy requires a comprehensive understanding of both quantitative metrics and qualitative considerations.

For liquidity providers looking to bootstrap their pools, incentivization offers a straightforward and efficient method to attract initial liquidity. By offering additional rewards beyond the usual trading fees. New pools can quickly gain traction and attract more liquidity providers. This can initiate a virtuous cycle where increasing liquidity leads to higher trading volumes, which in turn generates more rewards, further attracting liquidity providers. This cycle benefits both the protocol and its community by enhancing liquidity and trading activity. To maximize the benefits of incentivized liquidity, protocols can implement several best practices:

  1. Align Incentives with Long-Term Goals: Protocols should design incentives that promote behaviors beneficial for long-term growth and sustainability. This approach ensures that the rewards system contributes to the protocol's overall development rather than just offering short-term gains.
  2. Target High-Demand Liquidity Pairs: Focusing incentives on specific liquidity pairs that are in high demand can significantly increase liquidity and trading activity in those pairs. By strategically directing incentives, protocols can optimize the distribution of liquidity and enhance market efficiency.
  3. Adjust Incentives for Long-Term Effectiveness: Continuously evaluating and adjusting incentives ensures that they remain effective in supporting long-term goals. This involves regularly analyzing the performance of incentive programs and making necessary adjustments to maintain an optimal balance between rewarding liquidity providers and boosting trader confidence.

Most initiatives look to attract liquidity by providing an increased yield for the end user. Yield, in the context of finance/DeFi, represents the percentage return generated from deploying capital into specific strategies. While yield often appears as a simple figure on a screen, its calculation involves numerous variables and encompasses various types of yield generation mechanisms. Understanding these nuances is critical for investors seeking to maximize their returns in the DeFi ecosystem.

An Avalanche DeFi dashboard highlighting the TVL, APY, and “reward (boosted) APY.” Source

DeFi protocols offer multiple avenues for generating yield:

  1. Staking Rewards: Earned by participants who lock up their tokens to secure the network and validate transactions.
  2. Lending Interest: Generated from providing liquidity to lending protocols and receiving interest payments from borrowers.
  3. Trading Fees: Accumulated by liquidity providers on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) who earn a portion of the trading fees.
  4. Incentive Programs: Additional tokens or rewards offered by protocols to incentivize participation and liquidity provision.

Each of these yield sources involves different risk profiles and potential returns, requiring investors to carefully consider their strategies.

Measuring the Effective Liquidity

Quantitative metrics play an obvious role in assessing the effectiveness of liquidity incentives. The total value locked (TVL) in a liquidity pool is a key indicator of its depth. A larger pool generally means lower slippage and better trading conditions, which are attractive features for traders. High trading volumes signal active markets and draw more liquidity providers (LPs), but volume alone is insufficient. It must be balanced with the fees earned to ensure profitability for LPs. 

Qualitative considerations are equally important in understanding liquidity incentives. LPs need to evaluate their risk tolerance. High-volatility tokens may offer higher returns but also increase the risk of impermanent loss. Assessing one's ability to absorb potential losses is crucial. Selecting the right token pairs is another critical factor. LPs should consider factors such as demand, volatility, and the long-term prospects of the tokens involved. 


Finally, understanding how incentives are distributed is crucial for LPs. Some platforms offer additional governance tokens or staking rewards alongside trading fees. These additional incentives can significantly enhance overall returns for LPs. Evaluating the existing LPs in a pool is necessary to avoid overcrowded pools that can dilute returns, as the available rewards are spread across a larger number of participants. 

Drawbacks and Downsides of Liquidity Programs

The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector experienced a significant surge beginning in the second quarter of 2020, often referred to as “DeFi Summer.” During this period, DeFi projects saw unprecedented growth in adoption and usage, largely driven by the novel concept of liquidity mining, also known as yield farming. This approach, wherein protocols essentially "buy" users by offering rewards in the early stages, aims to cultivate a solid user base as the platform matures and incentives decline. However, this strategy can become increasingly costly, particularly when a large portion of tokens is allocated to stakers, leading to substantial financial outflows necessary for maintaining liquidity. The challenge for decentralized applications (dApps) lies in retaining users, who often migrate to new protocols offering higher rewards.

Additionally, large incentives can attract major players, commonly referred to as whales, who may dominate liquidity pools and governance processes. To maintain decentralization, it is crucial to ensure a fair distribution of rewards and encourage broad participation. 

Finally, the intricacies involved in various DeFi incentives and strategies can be overwhelming for newcomers. Simplifying the onboarding process and providing clear, concise guides are essential steps to mitigate this issue. 

Avalanche’s BOOST: A Liquidity Incentive Program

At the heart of BOOST is a liquidity incentive program that specifically targets well-established, key DeFi protocols operating on Avalanche. By offering increased rewards in AVAX tokens, the campaign aims to increase user engagement, deepen liquidity pools, and nurture an industry-leading and dynamic DeFi community. BOOST will span approximately four months across several phases, giving degens and noobies alike the chance to earn significant returns beyond baseline APY.

The stated objectives of the campaign include:

  1. Community Building: The campaign fosters a strong sense of community among Avalanche users. Participation in BOOST initiatives encourages users to invest more deeply in the ecosystem's success, contributing to a more vibrant and active community.
  2. Increased User Engagement: BOOST is designed to attract a higher number of users to the Avalanche network by offering substantial incentives. This increased user engagement is expected to lead to higher transaction volumes and broader adoption of Avalanche-based DeFi protocols.
  3. Educational Opportunities: BOOST offers a chance for users to explore different DeFi strategies and learn about various protocols. This educational aspect can help onboard new users and expand their understanding of the DeFi landscape.
  4. Enhanced Liquidity and Increased TVL: By incentivizing liquidity provision across multiple platforms, BOOST aims to create deeper liquidity pools. This reduces slippage, thereby improving the trading experience and making the network more attractive to traders.

Avalanche TVL in AVAX terms is up ~50% YTD and steadily increased since the introduction of BOOST in July. Source

Participants in the BOOST campaign can engage in several ways. Users may provide liquidity in designated pools, trade on platforms offering fee discounts, partake in governance activities, and explore various yield-generating strategies. To fully capitalize on the opportunities presented by BOOST, participants should stay informed about new pools or strategies introduced during the campaign. Following the social media accounts of key players can provide timely updates.

Key Players and Their Initiatives


Aave, arguably the biggest, most well-known DeFi protocol participating in the Avalanche Boost program, is targeting increased rewards for specific assets, incentivizing both supply and borrowing activities to bolster user engagement and ecosystem growth. Initially, the program will reward the supply of $BTC.b, $USDC, $USDT, and $sAVAX, along with the borrowing of $AVAX. This targeted allocation strategy is designed to maximize user participation, increase deposits, and stimulate borrowing demand. Incentivizing specific assets within the Avalanche ecosystem also supports advanced strategies such as looping sAVAX. This technique involves repeated lending and borrowing of the same asset, which can amplify returns (and risk). 

The initial phase of the liquidity mining program will run for two weeks with a budget of 12,600 wrapped AVAX (wAVAX). This allocation reflects a calculated effort to jumpstart the program, providing sufficient incentives to attract substantial user participation and liquidity. However, the program’s reward structure will undergo adjustments every two weeks. This dynamic approach ensures that the incentives align with evolving market conditions and strategic objectives. By regularly calibrating the rewards, Aave aims to maintain high levels of user activity and engagement, fostering a robust and active DeFi community.

Trader Joe

As the largest DEX on Avalanche, Trader Joe is a pivotal player in the BOOST campaign. The platform distributes AVAX incentives across 13 liquidity pools, reviews markets, and adjusts rewards biweekly. This is to have the flexibility to respond to market dynamics and maintain optimal incentives throughout the campaign.

The launch of the BOOST incentives program marks a significant milestone for DeFi on the Avalanche network. This initiative aims to enhance liquidity and provide real-time rewards for participants, thereby strengthening the overall ecosystem. Rewards are exclusively distributed in AVAX and accrue in real-time, and users can claim them at their convenience. Additionally, all rewards will be distributed through Trader Joe’s new Concentrated Incentives feature. To maximize rewards, participants must keep their liquidity within the designated 'reward range' for each pool. This ensures that rewards are earned efficiently and can be claimed as they are accrued.

Steps to Participate

  1. Navigate to the Pool Page on the Avalanche platform.
  2. Select the 'Has Rewards' filter to identify eligible pools.
  3. Choose your preferred pools and deploy your liquidity within the specified range.
  4. Claim your $AVAX tokens as you earn them.


GMX is a decentralized, permissionless exchange that facilitates spot and perpetual swap trading directly from users' crypto wallets on Avalanche (and Arbitrum). Launched in September 2021, GMX initially targeted the market for crypto-based perpetual futures contracts, enabling trading of these contracts on various cryptocurrencies rather than the assets themselves. Operating as a non-custodial exchange, GMX eliminates the need for an order book and instead utilizes multi-asset pools and liquidity providers for user interactions.

The GMX Summer Boost began on July 3 and is offering liquidity incentives for both its existing dual-asset pools and newly launched single-asset GM pools on Avalanche as part of the GMX Summer Boost campaign. Eligible pools include AVAX, BTC, ETH, XRP, DOGE, SOL, and LTC, with incentives enhancing the native rewards based on pool fees. The newly launched single-asset pools for BTC, ETH, and AVAX are designed to bootstrap healthy markets quickly and will also receive liquidity incentives. Users can also benefit from up to 75% off trading fees and enhanced rewards on key pools such as AVAX/USD, BTC/USD, ETH/USD, DOGE/USD, XRP/USD, SOL/USD, and LTC/USD. The rebates will be distributed in gmAVAX+ tokens at the end of each weekly campaign epoch, providing traders with additional motivation to participate actively.

Incentives are allocated weekly, starting each Wednesday at 00:00 UTC, and are based on a time-weighted average of users’ GM balances. Rewards are airdropped directly to users' wallets after each epoch, with a minimum threshold of 0.1 AVAX required to qualify. While the APY and other information provided are estimates, the actual rewards are calculated at the end of each epoch. 

BENQI, Dexalot, and Others

BENQI is contributing to the BOOST campaign by offering extra rewards in prominent cryptocurrencies like AVAX, BTC, USDC, and USDT. Users can utilize these enhanced strategies across the Avalanche ecosystem, potentially accumulating rewards from multiple protocols.

For more adventurous DeFi users, Delta Prime offers a multi-step strategy involving depositing, borrowing, swapping, and forming a single-sided liquidity pool with ggAVAX tokens. Although potentially lucrative, this strategy necessitates a deeper understanding of DeFi mechanics.

Yield Yak features BOOSTed strategies with compelling yields, such as 8% for BTC.b, 29% for USDT, 15% for USDC, and 4% for AVAX. These attractive yields are designed to draw liquidity and highlight the potential of yield farming on Avalanche.

Pharaoh's BOOST initiative targets both liquidity providers and voters in their governance system. Liquidity providers can earn sAVAX and ggAVAX rewards, with 75% of all BOOSTed incentives allocated to liquidity providers across the protocol. Voters who lock PHAR to convert into vePHAR can earn a share of vote incentives and fees, promoting active participation in the protocol's governance.

Weekly trading volumes are mostly up for the DEXes participating in Avax BOOST. Source


The Avalanche Foundation's BOOST campaign marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the DeFi sector within the Avalanche ecosystem. The participation of key players like Trader Joe, GMX, and BENQI underscores the campaign's potential to drive substantial growth and innovation while putting Avalanche DeFi on par with other industry leaders like Ethereum and Solana. While challenges such as user retention and fair reward distribution remain, the BOOST campaign's comprehensive approach to liquidity provision and user engagement sets a promising precedent for the future of DeFi on Avalanche. As the campaign progresses, its impact on the ecosystem will serve as a critical case study for the effectiveness of liquidity incentive programs in decentralized finance.

Disclaimer: This report was commissioned by Ava Labs. This research report is exactly that — a research report. It is not intended to serve as financial advice, nor should you blindly assume that any of the information is accurate without confirming through your own research. Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and other digital assets are incredibly risky and nothing in this report should be considered an endorsement to buy or sell any asset. Never invest more than you are willing to lose and understand the risk that you are taking. Do your own research. All information in this report is for educational purposes only and should not be the basis for any investment decisions that you make.


The Avalanche ecosystem is experiencing a renewed surge of enthusiasm with the launch of the Avalanche Foundation's BOOST campaign. This strategic initiative is designed to revitalize the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, echoing the exuberance of the 2020-21 DeFi boom while laying a solid foundation for sustainable growth and innovation. 

The BOOST campaign targets the core challenges of liquidity provision, aiming to enhance market depth, reduce slippage, and increase price stability across the network. This report will detail the Avalanche BOOST campaign while also discussing the mechanics and efficacy of incentivized liquidity programs in DeFi in general. By offering substantial incentives and fostering community engagement, Avalanche seeks to solidify its position as a leading platform in the DeFi space.

Incentivizing Liquidity

Liquidity is the lifeblood of any successful crypto protocol and is essential for the long-term success of a burgeoning DeFi ecosystem. Protocols with deep liquidity enjoy:

  • Increased market depth and better order execution: Sufficient liquidity ensures that there are enough buy and sell orders in a market to facilitate transactions efficiently. Deep liquidity enables traders to execute large orders without causing significant price changes. This depth of liquidity is essential for maintaining smooth market operations and ensuring that trades can occur at predictable prices.
  • Reducing slippage: Slippage occurs when the execution price of a trade deviates from the expected price due to a lack of liquidity. Insufficient liquidity means fewer orders are available to match incoming trades, leading to price discrepancies. By providing liquidity incentives, markets can attract more liquidity providers, thus reducing slippage and ensuring that trades are executed at prices closer to what traders anticipate.
  • Increased price stability: Liquid markets are inherently more stable, as they are less susceptible to extreme price swings caused by large trades or sudden shifts in market sentiment. This stability is crucial for fostering investor confidence. When investors know they can buy or sell assets without causing drastic price movements, they are more likely to participate in the market.

Therefore, incentivized liquidity initiatives, like Avalanche Boost, are a widely adopted tool used to address liquidity shortages by creating more targeted incentives/rewards for certain projects and pools. Instead of relying solely on the project to generate trading liquidity, this approach initiates an amount and then rewards participants for their contributions to the liquidity pool.

Consider the hypothetical launch of the XYZ token paired with AVAX. The project contributes an initial $250,000 of liquidity. It then dedicates a portion of the total XYZ tokens, for instance, 10% over a four-year staking period, to incentivized liquidity. Users purchase XYZ tokens, combine them with AVAX, add this combination to the liquidity pool, and stake their liquidity position on the platform to earn XYZ tokens as a passive reward. However, as the saying goes, simply “throwing money at a problem” rarely works. The same is also true with liquidity incentive programs. Evaluating these incentives and their efficacy requires a comprehensive understanding of both quantitative metrics and qualitative considerations.

For liquidity providers looking to bootstrap their pools, incentivization offers a straightforward and efficient method to attract initial liquidity. By offering additional rewards beyond the usual trading fees. New pools can quickly gain traction and attract more liquidity providers. This can initiate a virtuous cycle where increasing liquidity leads to higher trading volumes, which in turn generates more rewards, further attracting liquidity providers. This cycle benefits both the protocol and its community by enhancing liquidity and trading activity. To maximize the benefits of incentivized liquidity, protocols can implement several best practices:

  1. Align Incentives with Long-Term Goals: Protocols should design incentives that promote behaviors beneficial for long-term growth and sustainability. This approach ensures that the rewards system contributes to the protocol's overall development rather than just offering short-term gains.
  2. Target High-Demand Liquidity Pairs: Focusing incentives on specific liquidity pairs that are in high demand can significantly increase liquidity and trading activity in those pairs. By strategically directing incentives, protocols can optimize the distribution of liquidity and enhance market efficiency.
  3. Adjust Incentives for Long-Term Effectiveness: Continuously evaluating and adjusting incentives ensures that they remain effective in supporting long-term goals. This involves regularly analyzing the performance of incentive programs and making necessary adjustments to maintain an optimal balance between rewarding liquidity providers and boosting trader confidence.

Most initiatives look to attract liquidity by providing an increased yield for the end user. Yield, in the context of finance/DeFi, represents the percentage return generated from deploying capital into specific strategies. While yield often appears as a simple figure on a screen, its calculation involves numerous variables and encompasses various types of yield generation mechanisms. Understanding these nuances is critical for investors seeking to maximize their returns in the DeFi ecosystem.

An Avalanche DeFi dashboard highlighting the TVL, APY, and “reward (boosted) APY.” Source

DeFi protocols offer multiple avenues for generating yield:

  1. Staking Rewards: Earned by participants who lock up their tokens to secure the network and validate transactions.
  2. Lending Interest: Generated from providing liquidity to lending protocols and receiving interest payments from borrowers.
  3. Trading Fees: Accumulated by liquidity providers on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) who earn a portion of the trading fees.
  4. Incentive Programs: Additional tokens or rewards offered by protocols to incentivize participation and liquidity provision.

Each of these yield sources involves different risk profiles and potential returns, requiring investors to carefully consider their strategies.

Measuring the Effective Liquidity

Quantitative metrics play an obvious role in assessing the effectiveness of liquidity incentives. The total value locked (TVL) in a liquidity pool is a key indicator of its depth. A larger pool generally means lower slippage and better trading conditions, which are attractive features for traders. High trading volumes signal active markets and draw more liquidity providers (LPs), but volume alone is insufficient. It must be balanced with the fees earned to ensure profitability for LPs. 

Qualitative considerations are equally important in understanding liquidity incentives. LPs need to evaluate their risk tolerance. High-volatility tokens may offer higher returns but also increase the risk of impermanent loss. Assessing one's ability to absorb potential losses is crucial. Selecting the right token pairs is another critical factor. LPs should consider factors such as demand, volatility, and the long-term prospects of the tokens involved. 


Finally, understanding how incentives are distributed is crucial for LPs. Some platforms offer additional governance tokens or staking rewards alongside trading fees. These additional incentives can significantly enhance overall returns for LPs. Evaluating the existing LPs in a pool is necessary to avoid overcrowded pools that can dilute returns, as the available rewards are spread across a larger number of participants. 

Drawbacks and Downsides of Liquidity Programs

The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector experienced a significant surge beginning in the second quarter of 2020, often referred to as “DeFi Summer.” During this period, DeFi projects saw unprecedented growth in adoption and usage, largely driven by the novel concept of liquidity mining, also known as yield farming. This approach, wherein protocols essentially "buy" users by offering rewards in the early stages, aims to cultivate a solid user base as the platform matures and incentives decline. However, this strategy can become increasingly costly, particularly when a large portion of tokens is allocated to stakers, leading to substantial financial outflows necessary for maintaining liquidity. The challenge for decentralized applications (dApps) lies in retaining users, who often migrate to new protocols offering higher rewards.

Additionally, large incentives can attract major players, commonly referred to as whales, who may dominate liquidity pools and governance processes. To maintain decentralization, it is crucial to ensure a fair distribution of rewards and encourage broad participation. 

Finally, the intricacies involved in various DeFi incentives and strategies can be overwhelming for newcomers. Simplifying the onboarding process and providing clear, concise guides are essential steps to mitigate this issue. 

Avalanche’s BOOST: A Liquidity Incentive Program

At the heart of BOOST is a liquidity incentive program that specifically targets well-established, key DeFi protocols operating on Avalanche. By offering increased rewards in AVAX tokens, the campaign aims to increase user engagement, deepen liquidity pools, and nurture an industry-leading and dynamic DeFi community. BOOST will span approximately four months across several phases, giving degens and noobies alike the chance to earn significant returns beyond baseline APY.

The stated objectives of the campaign include:

  1. Community Building: The campaign fosters a strong sense of community among Avalanche users. Participation in BOOST initiatives encourages users to invest more deeply in the ecosystem's success, contributing to a more vibrant and active community.
  2. Increased User Engagement: BOOST is designed to attract a higher number of users to the Avalanche network by offering substantial incentives. This increased user engagement is expected to lead to higher transaction volumes and broader adoption of Avalanche-based DeFi protocols.
  3. Educational Opportunities: BOOST offers a chance for users to explore different DeFi strategies and learn about various protocols. This educational aspect can help onboard new users and expand their understanding of the DeFi landscape.
  4. Enhanced Liquidity and Increased TVL: By incentivizing liquidity provision across multiple platforms, BOOST aims to create deeper liquidity pools. This reduces slippage, thereby improving the trading experience and making the network more attractive to traders.

Avalanche TVL in AVAX terms is up ~50% YTD and steadily increased since the introduction of BOOST in July. Source

Participants in the BOOST campaign can engage in several ways. Users may provide liquidity in designated pools, trade on platforms offering fee discounts, partake in governance activities, and explore various yield-generating strategies. To fully capitalize on the opportunities presented by BOOST, participants should stay informed about new pools or strategies introduced during the campaign. Following the social media accounts of key players can provide timely updates.

Key Players and Their Initiatives


Aave, arguably the biggest, most well-known DeFi protocol participating in the Avalanche Boost program, is targeting increased rewards for specific assets, incentivizing both supply and borrowing activities to bolster user engagement and ecosystem growth. Initially, the program will reward the supply of $BTC.b, $USDC, $USDT, and $sAVAX, along with the borrowing of $AVAX. This targeted allocation strategy is designed to maximize user participation, increase deposits, and stimulate borrowing demand. Incentivizing specific assets within the Avalanche ecosystem also supports advanced strategies such as looping sAVAX. This technique involves repeated lending and borrowing of the same asset, which can amplify returns (and risk). 

The initial phase of the liquidity mining program will run for two weeks with a budget of 12,600 wrapped AVAX (wAVAX). This allocation reflects a calculated effort to jumpstart the program, providing sufficient incentives to attract substantial user participation and liquidity. However, the program’s reward structure will undergo adjustments every two weeks. This dynamic approach ensures that the incentives align with evolving market conditions and strategic objectives. By regularly calibrating the rewards, Aave aims to maintain high levels of user activity and engagement, fostering a robust and active DeFi community.

Trader Joe

As the largest DEX on Avalanche, Trader Joe is a pivotal player in the BOOST campaign. The platform distributes AVAX incentives across 13 liquidity pools, reviews markets, and adjusts rewards biweekly. This is to have the flexibility to respond to market dynamics and maintain optimal incentives throughout the campaign.

The launch of the BOOST incentives program marks a significant milestone for DeFi on the Avalanche network. This initiative aims to enhance liquidity and provide real-time rewards for participants, thereby strengthening the overall ecosystem. Rewards are exclusively distributed in AVAX and accrue in real-time, and users can claim them at their convenience. Additionally, all rewards will be distributed through Trader Joe’s new Concentrated Incentives feature. To maximize rewards, participants must keep their liquidity within the designated 'reward range' for each pool. This ensures that rewards are earned efficiently and can be claimed as they are accrued.

Steps to Participate

  1. Navigate to the Pool Page on the Avalanche platform.
  2. Select the 'Has Rewards' filter to identify eligible pools.
  3. Choose your preferred pools and deploy your liquidity within the specified range.
  4. Claim your $AVAX tokens as you earn them.


GMX is a decentralized, permissionless exchange that facilitates spot and perpetual swap trading directly from users' crypto wallets on Avalanche (and Arbitrum). Launched in September 2021, GMX initially targeted the market for crypto-based perpetual futures contracts, enabling trading of these contracts on various cryptocurrencies rather than the assets themselves. Operating as a non-custodial exchange, GMX eliminates the need for an order book and instead utilizes multi-asset pools and liquidity providers for user interactions.

The GMX Summer Boost began on July 3 and is offering liquidity incentives for both its existing dual-asset pools and newly launched single-asset GM pools on Avalanche as part of the GMX Summer Boost campaign. Eligible pools include AVAX, BTC, ETH, XRP, DOGE, SOL, and LTC, with incentives enhancing the native rewards based on pool fees. The newly launched single-asset pools for BTC, ETH, and AVAX are designed to bootstrap healthy markets quickly and will also receive liquidity incentives. Users can also benefit from up to 75% off trading fees and enhanced rewards on key pools such as AVAX/USD, BTC/USD, ETH/USD, DOGE/USD, XRP/USD, SOL/USD, and LTC/USD. The rebates will be distributed in gmAVAX+ tokens at the end of each weekly campaign epoch, providing traders with additional motivation to participate actively.

Incentives are allocated weekly, starting each Wednesday at 00:00 UTC, and are based on a time-weighted average of users’ GM balances. Rewards are airdropped directly to users' wallets after each epoch, with a minimum threshold of 0.1 AVAX required to qualify. While the APY and other information provided are estimates, the actual rewards are calculated at the end of each epoch. 

BENQI, Dexalot, and Others

BENQI is contributing to the BOOST campaign by offering extra rewards in prominent cryptocurrencies like AVAX, BTC, USDC, and USDT. Users can utilize these enhanced strategies across the Avalanche ecosystem, potentially accumulating rewards from multiple protocols.

For more adventurous DeFi users, Delta Prime offers a multi-step strategy involving depositing, borrowing, swapping, and forming a single-sided liquidity pool with ggAVAX tokens. Although potentially lucrative, this strategy necessitates a deeper understanding of DeFi mechanics.

Yield Yak features BOOSTed strategies with compelling yields, such as 8% for BTC.b, 29% for USDT, 15% for USDC, and 4% for AVAX. These attractive yields are designed to draw liquidity and highlight the potential of yield farming on Avalanche.

Pharaoh's BOOST initiative targets both liquidity providers and voters in their governance system. Liquidity providers can earn sAVAX and ggAVAX rewards, with 75% of all BOOSTed incentives allocated to liquidity providers across the protocol. Voters who lock PHAR to convert into vePHAR can earn a share of vote incentives and fees, promoting active participation in the protocol's governance.

Weekly trading volumes are mostly up for the DEXes participating in Avax BOOST. Source


The Avalanche Foundation's BOOST campaign marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the DeFi sector within the Avalanche ecosystem. The participation of key players like Trader Joe, GMX, and BENQI underscores the campaign's potential to drive substantial growth and innovation while putting Avalanche DeFi on par with other industry leaders like Ethereum and Solana. While challenges such as user retention and fair reward distribution remain, the BOOST campaign's comprehensive approach to liquidity provision and user engagement sets a promising precedent for the future of DeFi on Avalanche. As the campaign progresses, its impact on the ecosystem will serve as a critical case study for the effectiveness of liquidity incentive programs in decentralized finance.

Disclaimer: This report was commissioned by Ava Labs. This research report is exactly that — a research report. It is not intended to serve as financial advice, nor should you blindly assume that any of the information is accurate without confirming through your own research. Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and other digital assets are incredibly risky and nothing in this report should be considered an endorsement to buy or sell any asset. Never invest more than you are willing to lose and understand the risk that you are taking. Do your own research. All information in this report is for educational purposes only and should not be the basis for any investment decisions that you make.


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Vitae congue eu consequat ac felis placerat vestibulum lectus mauris ultrices cursus sit amet dictum sit amet justo donec enim diam porttitor lacus luctus accumsan tortor posuere praesent tristique magna sit amet purus gravida quis blandit turpis.

Odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor.

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